Chapter 1 : Misunderstandings to End (of Chapter)
Loki was a misunderstood ethereal being.
During the Norse Ages, he was thought to be the Trickster, and was thought br the husband of Angrboda,the giantess. Loki also was thought to create earthquakes.
But in actuality, Loki never created earthquakes. Earthquakes happen because the core of the planet moves. Not because of Loki. The worst rumours were that he had Angrboda as a wife and took on a mistress (Sigyn)! Oh please.
No, but Loki had been a bachelor his entire life.
Loki, also known as Mischief, does not know his past at all. And everytime he had some spare time, not tormenting humans (and mortals) he would sit down and wonder, how was he created. Of course, he cannot be a descendant of Ymir. Because the Gods used Ymir's body to create the world and everything else. But then, that was pure crap.
He knew he was Trouble's step brother (possibly half brother), because he had grown up together with Trouble, since young. But having done an ENA Test (that's Ethereal Neucleic Acid, as opposed to DeoxyriboNucleic Acid, which humans have. Ethereal Beings have ENA, thank you very much.), he was pretty much confirmed that Trouble cannot be his brother, (since there were so little ENA strands that were similar, only about 0.2% of the strands were similar.)
Their parents ARE not GIANTS, nor were they Odin. No, Odin and the like were Norse Gods. And Norse Gods should remain where they belong : in the legends. However, Loki was very much real. Or rather, ethereal.
No, not ethereal in the sense of being light and weightless. It's more like being celestial.
And so, Loki sat down on the road, overlooking the void (and the falling van being driven by Angelo Nerezza.) and started to think.
One of the nice things of being an ethereal being was that they had two timelines. One was the ethereal timeline, and the other, the real timeline. The best part was, that the real timeline was just a point. Not a line*
He cannot remember his past, save the troublesome growing up time with Trouble, and his sisters, Nuisance and Woe.
He barely had memory of his step parents (he assumed that he was adopted)
And that was exactly the problem. Ethereal Timeline is a LINE. Not a point, like Real Timeline. In the Real Timeline, he can turn it like a sphere (technically, the 3 Dimensional version of a point is a sphere), and toy with it anytime. Like he know what was going to happen to Yoriko next. And what to do with her.
And Mischief lost his train of thought.
Thinking of Yoriko (life seem to revolve around these few characters only right?), he jumped up and fell into the void (intentionally, of course)
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alex, at April 19, 2007 at 8:32 AM
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alex, at April 20, 2007 at 3:01 PM
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
alex, at April 21, 2007 at 5:10 PM
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alex, at April 22, 2007 at 8:59 AM
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